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HERA ensures the engineering sector in Aotearoa has the highest standards of training and support. Connecting and uplifting, we inspire smarter thinking and, in doing so, build for a better tomorrow.
Our mahi is a blend of rangahau (research), innovation, education and motivation. With specialist tools and expert insight we ensure our engineering industry is fit for purpose and futureproofed. Supporting our people to succeed helps our industry evolve, helps the wider community grow, helps our country thrive.
Whiria te tangata.
Weave the people together.
Learn how to specify low-carbon structural steel with evidence-based benchmarks and practical guidance that help reduce embodied carbon in Aotearoa.
A must attend conference for heavy engineering professionals at all levels.
With a spotlight on AI and sustainability – keep yourself updated on the latest developments and insights critical to our industry.
Whether your expertise lies in welding, design, fabrication, research and training, manufacturing, construction, or metals recycling, this event is for you.
Whakakotahi ki te ako, ki te mahi tahi, ki te whakanui, ki te akiaki i te tipu.
Unite to learn, collaborate, celebrate, and drive growth.