As the new design standard for composite construction AS/NZS 2327 nears completion, consideration is being paid to what software tools will be needed by designers.

Our General Manager Structural Systems Dr Stephen Hicks has encouraged Arup’s software house Oasys to implement the new AS/NZS 2327 within their Compos programme, which enables users to design composite beams both with, and without, web openings. To direct their development activities, Oasys uses the web-based User Voice page, where improvements to their structural software are prioritised by a vote.

Should HERA members wish to have the new AS/NZS 2327 design provisions for composite beams implemented within the Oasys software, they can go to this web page to register their vote.

To vote, go to the website link provided and click on the button circled above. Select 1, 2, or 3 votes and provide your email address.

As well as composite beam design, in the interests of simplifying the design of steel structures, HERA would like to invite members to let us know what software tools they feel would be of particular benefit to them.

Update shared by our General Manager Structural Systems Dr Stephen Hicks